ChagasDB gathers all the molecules significantly associated with T.cruzi infection. All this information have
been gathered by hand, by listing the papers referenced under "Chagas disease" in Pubmed, since 1945.
For now, only the host-infected dysregulations were considering, discarding the genetic modified host,
stimulated cells, or vector analysis.
Actually, a total of 24526 features were associated with Chagas disease, including gene, protein, methylation,
hormone, electrolytes or chemical molecules expressions, as well as polymorphisms, haplogroups, protein
activity or alternative splicing. 5 different organisms were studied: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Canis lupus familiaris and Ovis aries (see table below).
Homo sapiens
Mus musculus
Rattus norvegicus
Canis lupus familiaris
Ovis aries
Alternative splicing
Protein activity
Chemical molecule
II. Database description
Feature name
Feature official name according to databases (see “Features annotation“ section).
Feature description
Description about the features which provide some
details according to databases (see “Features annotation“ section).
In some case, no description is available.
Feature name in papier
Feature name provided by authors. May be different to the official name.
Feature ID
Feature ID according to databases (see “Features annotation“ section). It may be Ensembl ID for
genes or proteins, cg ID for methylation site or rs
ID for polymorphisms.
In some case, no ID is available.
Feature type
Type of the feature in the relative paper.
Feature variation
Some additional information about the analysis
performed on the relative feature. It may be a fold
change, or others kind of dysregulation.
Phenotype 1
Host phenotype associated with the relative feature dysregulation (see “Phenotypes available“ section).
Description phenotype 1
Additional information on the phenotype of interest.
Phenotype 2
Host phenotype used as control in the relative
study. It may be identical to Phenotype 1 when the
analysis was focus on association between two
Description phenotype 2
Additional information on the control phenotype
(see “Phenotypes available“ section).
Tissue or cells in which the feature of interest was studied.
Tissue description
Additional information on the tissue when provided.
Indicate if the analysis is experimental or
Name or type of method employed to analyze the
feature of interest.
Interaction observed
Indicate if an interaction/association was observed between the feature of interest and another feature.
Name of the interactive feature
If an interaction is observed between the feature of interest and another feature, indicate its name.
ID of the interactive feature
If an interaction is observed between the feature of
interest and another feature, indicate its ID.
Type of the interactive feature
If an interaction is observed between the feature of
interest and another feature, indicate its type.
Name of the species in which the analysis was carried out.
Additional information on the population of interest.
T.cruzi strain
If known, provide the strain of T.cruzi having
infected the host (see “T.cruzi strains“ section).
Paper PMID
Provide the paper Pubmed ID.
Paper DOI
Provide the paper DOI.
Paper title
Provide the paper title.
Paper publication date
Provide the paper publication date.
1. Features annotation
The features were annotated using different databases, depending on the species. For all of them,
Ensembl database was used. For Homo sapiens specifically, HGNC
and GeneCards helped to identify some alias.
miRBase and LNCpedia were used for ncRNAs. The MGI
and RGD were employed for Mus musculus and
Rattus norvegicus, respectively.
2. Phenotypes available
For now, 19 phenotypes are available in ChagasDB: 5 as negative control (T.cruzi uninfected patients) and
14 as cases, with different forms of Chagas disease.
All phenotypes are listed below :
Phenotype description
Non-infected phenotypes
Non chagasic cardiomyopathyNon chagasic dilated cardiomyopathyIdiopathic dilated cardiomyopathyIschemic cardiomyopathy
TcII : ABC, Berenice-78, Y, JG, Lucky and SGO-Z12.
TC VI : CL-14, CL-Brener, Cvd, Q501/3, Tehuantepec, Tulahuén, RA and VD.
III. Database userguide
On the Database page, you have the possibility to manually search some information. You can enter a
feature name, ID or description in the “Search” bar tool, and the different corresponding features will
appears. By checking the boxes next to the feature name, you can download the information for your
features of interest.
You have also the opportunities to apply some filters by clicking on the “Filter” buttons. It will allow you to
restrains your research to some phenotypes, T.cruzi strains, tissue, or others fields of interest.
To provide a clear display of the results, some columns are automatically masked. You can display the
columns of interest by clicking on the “Display” button, and check the boxes desired.
IV. Database submission
ChagasDB team updates the database periodically, to provide all interesting results to the community.
However, you have also the opportunity to contribute to this research work. To do so, simply click on the
"Submit" page and download the submission template. Once completed, you can submit it directly on
the same page, by specifying your name and your email address. Our team will update the database with your data.
You can also contact us if some information of one of your study are missing, or incomplete, and we will correct
it in the database.